SSS Lau says: 2014 年 01 月 16 日 at 14:38 Many thanks uncle docs. If I ask the successful % for the top 5 choices in 2012/2013 primary one lucky draw? what will be the %. I recalled you have mentioned it is as high as 90% if take ref from past statistics.
SSS Lau says:
回覆刪除2014 年 01 月 13 日 at 11:04
請問有否12網2013/2014 and 2012/2013 穫派首三志願成功率百分比及實際數字?
Uncle-DOS says:
2014 年 01 月 15 日 at 10:57
2013/14學年的報告, 教育局尚未公布. 至於12/13學年, 參加12校網統一派位有, 794人, 獲派甲部有48人 (6%), 獲派乙部首三志願有490人 (61%)
SSS Lau says:
回覆刪除2014 年 01 月 16 日 at 14:38
Many thanks uncle docs. If I ask the successful % for the top 5 choices in 2012/2013 primary one lucky draw? what will be the %. I recalled you have mentioned it is as high as 90% if take ref from past statistics.
Uncle-DOS says:
2014 年 01 月 16 日 at 23:57
官方沒有公布頭五志願情況. 在12/13學年, 12校網派至第四至第十志願有192人, 佔24%區內參加人口.